
Speech-Langu年龄 Pathologists/Therapists are the clinical experts in the assessment, 诊断, 治疗, 以及语言的恢复, 语言, 口吃, 儿童和成人的声音和吞咽障碍. 在迪拜美国医院, we use our specialist knowledge and skills to evaluate and treat a wide range of communication and swallowing disorders. 我们的目标是提供高品质, 专业, and comprehensive therapy services in both outpatient and inpatient settings. 提供阿拉伯文和英文双语服务.

You can schedule a speech therapy with an SLP at 迪拜美国医院 by submitting our secure web form or calling us at: +971 43775500.

There are several techniques that speech therapists employ to help patients combat speech issues of any severity. 其中一些是:

  • 清晰度疗法, is employed to help the patient produce certain sounds and articulate different parts of speech properly.
  • 语言干预疗法专注于帮助病人发展语言能力.
  • 口腔运动疗法, helps the patient with speech delays or injuries and ailments affecting their ability to speak properly.
  • VitalStim疗法, is employed to help patients with dysphagia to eat, drink, swallow and speak correctly.
  • 李·西尔弗曼语言疗法, assists the patient with swallowing, articulation, and improved facial expression.

几项研究证明了这一点, speech therapy has proven extremely effective for helping children and adults with speech impairments develop and improve communication skills.

As speech therapy is an intervention service that can assist with brain development, 语言与交流, 建立关系, 并能提高整体生活质量, 这篇文章是为所有在以下问题上挣扎的人写的:

  • 由于疾病或受伤造成的语言障碍
  • 语言迟缓或退化
  • 语言问题
  • 理解简单句子有困难
  • 罕见的会谈
  • 与他人交往困难
  • 吞咽困难或不能吞咽

Time required for a speech therapy to produce desired results is determined by various factors, 包括语言障碍的类型和严重程度, 年龄, 潜在的健康状况, 治疗的频率和价格. 然而, 语言问题越早被诊断出来, 治疗进展越快,所需时间越短.  

Some speech impairments may not require any 治疗, and go away on their own. Others can require speech therapy to improve; hence 治疗 varies and, 取决于疾病的类型.

在这里很难提供成本估算, 因为语言治疗的费用是由各种因素决定的, 比如治疗师的费用, 治疗的频率和强度, 语言治疗的类型, 以及服务提供商的收费. 然而, it typically is covered by health insurance providers in many cases. Please check with your insurance provider to see what’s covered before scheduling a session.

作为惯例, speech therapy begins with an assessment by a Speech-语言 Pathologist (SLP). The assessment helps identify the type of speech disorder and determine the best way to treat it. 对于儿童,它包括:

  • Langu年龄 intervention through talking and playing to stimulate 语言 development
  • Eng年龄ment in different activities to develop and correct certain sounds
  • 辅导家长如何在家进行言语治疗

For adults, speech therapy includes various exercises to improve their 社会 and cognitive skills. 这些都是:

  • 解决问题,记忆力和组织能力
  • 会话策略
  • 呼吸练习
  • 口腔肌肉强化练习

Needless to state that home practice can increase the effectiveness of a speech therapy. 所以无论你是否怀疑你的孩子有轻微的迟缓或发音问题, 或者你的孩子有严重的语言障碍, it’s advisable to consult an SLP for proper evaluation and 治疗 of the condition. Your SLP should be able to guide you on the effective ways to improve your child’s skills at home.

An SLP will determine the length of a therapy session based on the type and severity of an issue, 言语治疗的类型和强度, 病人的年龄和整体健康状况.   

As mentioned above, a Speech Therapist can assist children and adults with:

  • 由于疾病或受伤造成的语言障碍
  • 语言迟缓或退化
  • 语言问题
  • 理解简单句子有困难
  • 罕见的会谈
  • 与他人交往困难
  • 吞咽困难或不能吞咽

而语言治疗的优点大于缺点, you may find it frustrating that speech therapy is a time-consuming session for both the kid and parents. It can require parents to practice lessons, learnt during the session, with a kid at home too. This can put extra pressure on parents trying to man年龄 the kid’s therapy routine.

语言治疗永远不会太迟. 然而, the sooner you identify any potential problems in your child’s speech and 社会 skills, 你就能越快地解决问题. slp经过培训,可以为所有年龄段的og体育平台服务.

Speech therapy is a 专业 therapy that focuses on improving 语言与交流 skills, 以及优化理解和表达能力. It’s administered by speech-语言 pathologists (SLPs) or speech therapists.

Parenting a child who has recently been diagnosed with a speech regression or speech delay can be overwhelming. If you’ve schedule a speech therapy for your child, here’s how you can prepare him/her:

  • 让孩子了解治疗过程中会发生什么
  • 在家里练习治疗期间学到的经验
  • 不要对孩子的语言能力有过高的期望, 立即具备沟通或社交技能
  • 你也要做好准备,参加心理治疗           
  • 建立奖励机制,在每次治疗后给予奖励

在初步咨询期间, the speech therapist will ask about your concerns regarding your child’s speech, 语言, 社会, 和/或沟通困难.

Depending on the communication issue, an SLP may ask you about the following areas:

  • How your child communicates (including pronunciation, voice, and fluency)
  • Your child’s 语言 expression (including vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure)
  • 语言理解能力(你的孩子能理解的)
  • 孩子达到不同发展里程碑的年龄
  • Play and 社会 communication skills (to assess how your child communicates through body 语言, 眼神交流, 问候等等.)

For older children, Speech-Langu年龄 Pathologists may also assess reading and writing skills.

The therapist will use this informal assessment to establish an appropriate 治疗 plan for your child, 和你详细讨论一下.

It is important to identify the developmental milestones as a child grows. If you notice that your child demonstrates a potential delay in any of the developmental milestone, 请立即寻求专家咨询. Only an SLP can evaluate behavioral and developmental concerns and determine whether or not your child requires speech therapy.   

  • 演讲延迟
  • 语言障碍
  • 口吃
  • 语音障碍
  • 语言迟缓
  • 语言障碍
  • 人工耳蜗与助听器康复
  • 听觉言语治疗(AVT)

  • 清晰度/演讲
  • 口吃
  • 语言障碍 due to stroke, brain injury or progressive neurological diseases
  • 中风引起的语言障碍
  • 脑损伤后的认知语言障碍
  • 语音障碍
  • 口咽吞咽障碍, including the following diagnostic and therapeutic procedures: Videofluoroscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (VFES), 和纤维内镜下吞咽评估(费用)

